Best Week Ever � 07.28.04

I feel like the minute I start writing this I'll have to stop and start all over again later because I'm training someone on the phones today and well, I hate writing when they sit right behind me and ask, "Is that your blog? Can I read it?"

No and no. Go away...mommy needs her private time.

My mission today is to leave at 4:30 on the dot. A bunch of us are going to the Cubs/ Brewers game IN MILWAUKEE and gotta beat the traffic. If you happen to catch it on TV i highly recommend it. I'll be the one yelling "ALOOOOUUU" to my boy Moises.

Anyways, the most random occurence to ever...occur...occured this week. (Wouldn't it be nice if i could spell that word?)

And...drumroll....trumpet...any other instrument that wants to join in....

Wait for it....

I have been asked out by 3 different guys in one fucking week. And it's totally necessary for me to curse when I say that because you need to get the full effect.

I don't think I've been asked out by 3 guys in a month, let alone a week.

So yes, sadly, this is the joy that is my life.

Of course, there is a catch. One of them I have zero interest in. And NO, i didn't call him to tell him so. THIS guy will get the point. I don't get any "stalker" vibes from him and he doesn't live in his mommy's basement so I think I'm safe.

The other two have potential. One of them reads this (well, he knows about it, doubtful that he reads it that often). He's a friend of a co-worker and a real sweetie. Plus he has Jenna Jameson porn so that's a gold star right there.

Men, make a note of it: Good porn =good times.

The other I met at that party at The Drake on Friday night. I actually saw him last night on a total random set of circumstances that I'm too lazy to repeat here.

Yadda yadda yadda, I got his number and we *might* be going out this weekend.

So anyone wanna make plans with me? Oh sorry, I gotta check my calendar. And guess what? It's fucking full.

Again, necessary to curse because dammit, this doesn't happen too often.

Something must be in the water or in the stars or something because I am having one fucking awesome week.

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