
Incredipete - 2004-07-22 12:23:11
Did they make you do any nudity for those "training videos?"

If so, can I watch them?
Michelle - 2004-07-22 12:48:35
Nope....nothing that exciting. We don't do porn here you know. Although whenever i tell people (men mostly) that i work at a film and tv production facility, their first question is, "Do you do porn?"
warcrygirl - 2004-07-22 12:56:38
Does this training video look like the one on Spongebob Squarepants? tee hee!
JoeCartoon - 2004-07-22 13:03:23
Employee: "I'm happy to report that I've almost finished the online sexual harrassment training."
JoeCartoon - 2004-07-22 13:03:54
Boss: "But we don't have an online sexual harrassment training..."
JoeCartoon - 2004-07-22 13:04:46
Employee: "Oh! Well, I suppose that explains why all the actors seemed so happy."
bethany - 2004-07-22 15:33:19
i didn't get all Cindy Brady and freeze... oh girl! i love it! anyone who makes cindy brady references is cool with me!
Craig - 2004-07-22 21:52:35
so the cubs won a game today, they're still 9 games out while the White Sox (southSIDE!) are in first.
Incredipete - 2004-07-23 09:37:05
We guys and our one track minds.... ;)

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