
HRT - 2004-08-02 12:17:01
Cute, funny, and a sports fan. I hate you, you know this right?
Michelle - 2004-08-02 12:31:36
Oh you love me baby! ;)
bethany - 2004-08-02 12:32:00
GREAT ENTRY. Cracked me up. Shamalamadingdong. Holy shite.
Kim - 2004-08-02 12:51:19
NOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOMMMMAAAAARRRRR!!!! Treason is afoot in the Windy City! Now my Sox ... Nomar! Think of the children! Think of ME! Wait. Chicago is only 3.5 hours away--Nomar, baby, you WERE thinking of me! It might be a bit awkward--Nomar, me, my Sox gear. But I can deal.
Kim - 2004-08-02 12:56:32
Hee. Blind people + solid objects = comedy gold. Or, you know, intense drama. It can go either way. And, yes, come see me. I haven't written crap all in two weeks, but come see me! Shamalamadingdong. Classic.
chickie-legs - 2004-08-02 13:43:07
dude, I totally call M that all the time. great minds think alike I guess.. or you're stalking me, either one.
HRT - 2004-08-02 14:44:12
I have a Sixth Sense that tells me that the Signs are out there that M. Night's Village while possibly sucky is completely Unbreakable.

I went to see The Bourne Supremacy instead.

p.s. The Girlie-Girl© would not be pleased if I confessed any affections towards you. So I restate my former proclaimation, with clarity.

I hate you. You suck.

(did I mention this is opposite day ;o)) Good job kid.
Theresa - 2004-08-02 15:20:20
No way, doesn't everyone love M. Night??!! I can't believe it. I think his movies rock. I haven't seen The Village yet though.

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